Technology Skills

We at Suvichartech, a Prominent Web Development Company, Largely focuses on providing 3 main technologies:

Client Side Technology

Server Side Technology

Database Technology

[vcex_teaser text_align=”center” heading=”” img_size=”full” content_color=”#000000″]We are technology neutral organization. We believe that technologies should be selected based on the nature of the project, stake holders preferences and maintainability. We can work on following:[/vcex_teaser]

We Can Work On Following Technologies

We Automate your business and take it to next level, using latest technologies.

Programming languages and technologies

C#, VB, VB.Net, ASP. Net, MS Visual C++, Java, JavaScript, VB Script, PHP, SQL actionsript,.NET, ASP.NET,.NET Mobile, WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation),ADO.NET, XML, XSLT, HTML, XHTML, DHTML, Web Services, SOAP, AJAX, Silverlight, Flex, AIR, WIN 32 API,COM/DCOM, ActiveX, OLE, JSP, Servlet, EJB, JSF, Struts, Hibernate, Springs, Portalets, Google App Engine, Joomla, Drupal, Blogs, WordPress etc Mobile Technologies

J2ME, WAP, WML, WML Script, CHTML, XHTML, SMS, Smart SMS, EMS, OTA & OMA Settings, MMS, iPhone Development, Android development etc.

Application servers

JBoSS, Sun Application server, WebLogic, WebSphere, Oracle App Server, Tomcat etc.

Database Management Systems

MS SQL Server, Oracle, Interbase, FireBird, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS Visual FoxPro, MS Access etc.

Operating Systems

Windows , Linux, Unix

Graphics and design tools

GIMP, Amaya, Adobe Suite, Corel Suite.


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var mndFileds=new Array('Last Name','Email','Phone','Country'); var fldLangVal=new Array('Full Name','Email','Phone','Country'); var name=''; var email='';

/* Do not remove this code. */ function reloadImg() { if(document.getElementById('imgid').src.indexOf('&d') !== -1 ) { document.getElementById('imgid').src=document.getElementById('imgid').src.substring(0,document.getElementById('imgid').src.indexOf('&d'))+'&d'+new Date().getTime(); } else { document.getElementById('imgid').src = document.getElementById('imgid').src+'&d'+new Date().getTime(); } }

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